alderpodlogoAlderpod #17 – Chapter Fifteen: Figments

No, you did not read this wrong. Yes, I’ve recorded another chapter. Sure, part of it is because I feel bad I haven’t been able to do the whole biweekly thing with the cold, but more than anything it’s because the chapters meld into one another. It’s a continuation from the last chapter, and I thought since I was on a roll I might as well go with it.

Notes on this chapter: This chapter scared me. I mean, scared. I don’t usually get creeped out by the things I write, having a good distance. But once again, since Emry is a little closer to home for me… well, you’ll hear I suppose. This is when things start to go really wrong. Sure, things have been bad, but this chapter is the hinge on which one of the main mechanisms balance: this is when we get a glimpse into just what happened in Barnet, we figure out how Cora busted out of her cell, and, in the meantime, learn about the Sibs in general. Gotta balance, right?

Next up is back at Hartleigh Castle with Sylvan and Ellin, and the arrival of the Alderdaughters. Plus: more intrigue, political upheaval, and the first POV chapter from Kaythra Bav. Then, we’ll be heading back to the Order of the Asp… and, unfortunately, things aren’t getting any brighter for Brick, either.

Ah, the joy of apocalyptic steampunk fantasy. But I promise! Not all is boom and doom… this is just the hard part to get through before hope emerges.

Thanks for listening, and look here for more chapters soon!